150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy | Legacy Facts

150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy

#1. The full name for Sonic the Hedgehog is Ogilvie Maurice Hedgehog.

#2. Americans eat around 18 acres of pizza every day.

#3. In 1931 Haddon Sandblom produced Red Santa Claus for a coke commercial.

150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy

#4. The distance between the fingertips of your left and your right hand when you stretch out your arms to the sides are equal to your height.

#5. There are Turtle tunnels in Japan to save Turtles from being run over by trains. 

#6. There is a company named Heavens which turns your ashes into fireworks so that you can go out with a bang.

#7. The "Pringles Can" inventor died in 2008 and had his ashes placed in a Can.

#8. There are more Airplanes under the sea than there are Submarines in the sky.

#9. Sleeping on a fridge is banned in Pennsylvania, USA.

#10. The last letter added to the English alphabet wasn't Z - it was the letter J.

#11. Popcorn is the healthiest cinema snack and has significant health benefits such as building bone, muscles, and tissues.

#12. The oldest condoms ever found were made from animal and fish intestines and date back to the 1640s.

#13. All the planets in our solar system will fit in the space between the Earth and the Moon.

#14. A flea can jump a distance that is 350 times longer than its own length. Translated into human terms, this would mean a man can leap over 3 aircraft.

#15. Cores of the apples contain cyanide. Eating approximately 20 cores might kill a man.

150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy
#16. Tesla Model S received the highest safety ranking in the history of cars.

#17. Sharks pee through their skin.

#18. The Earth receives around 2,000 pounds (960 kg) of space dust and particles every day.

#19. On average, every adult human has two to nine pounds of bacteria in their bodies.

#20. You can’t sneeze while you are in sleep because the brain shuts down the reflex.

#21. Canada has the world’s smallest jail. Which is located in Rodney, Ontario. This jail has only two cells and an area of about 15 feet by 19 feet.

#22. Tomato Ketchup has many health benefits as it decreases prostate cancer risk, increases sperm count, lowers cholesterol, and even improves vision.

#23. The human brain would be able to perform 38 quadrillions (38 thousand-trillion) operations per second if it is a computer.

#24. Every year in the Honduran city of Yoro it rains fish. This thing happens in May or June.

#25. The brain of an Ostrich is smaller than its eyes.

#26. A healthy human thigh bone is stronger than concrete.

#27. Ketchup was sold as medicine in the 1830s.

#28. Sunlight takes 8.5 minutes to reach Earth from the Sun.
150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy
#29. Dogs are the only animals who actually run back to their owners when they get scared, unlike other domestic animals.

#30. Crunchy food goes soft when you leave it out for a while; soft food goes crunchy when you leave it for a while.

#31. You can fly by attaching wings to your arms on Saturn's Largest Moon Titan because of thick atmosphere and low Gravity.

#32. Statistically, 54 million people who are alive right now will die within twelve months, because about two people die every second.

#33. There is an estimated 100 billion galaxies in the universe. That is 13 galaxies for every living person. An average of 100 billion stars per galaxy, which is 1.3 trillion stars for you.

#34. Lions do it pretty often. Sometimes up to 40 times a day.

#35. 75 percent of people said they dreamed in black and white before the invention of color TV.

#36. Creating 25 billionaires, the University of Pennsylvania is the most popular institution in the development of billionaires.

#37. April 18, 1930, was a peaceful day because the BBC's radio announcer said at 6:30 p.m., "There is no news".

#38. According to Ancient Greek: The word “gymnasium” means "school for naked exercise". Don't try that!

#39. We say "headcount" if we people are alive, if they are not, we say "body counts."

#40. A cockroach can survive up to 9 days without its head.

#41. Pigs are smart animals.

#42. According to Genesis 1:20-22, the chicken came before the egg.

#43. Each year there are more than 40,000 toilet-related injuries in the US.

150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy

#44. You'll spend about 38 days brushing your teeth during your lifetime.

#45. Lobsters have teeth in their stomach.

#46. People with brain damage can suffer from "joke addiction".

#47. Strawberries can be red, yellow, green or white.

#48. Banging your head against a wall for one hour burns 150 calories. Wanna try!

#49. Mosquitos are the world’s deadliest animal. Hey, mosquitoes stop murdering people.

#50. When a baby octopus is born it is around the size of a flea.

#51. It would take 2,511 years to have more money than Bill Gates, if you earn $1 per second.

#52. The official name for when your hairs stand on the end is "piloerection".

#53. In Switzerland, it is illegal to own just one guinea pig because they are social animals and they are considered victims of abuse if they are alone.

#54. Every seven years the entire human body replaces itself.

#55. A flock of crows is known as a murder.

Shitterton, England
Hell, Michigan
Why, Arizona
Whynot, Mississippi
Bastardstown, Ireland
Batman, Turkey (at one point, they threatened to sue Warner Bros)
Bitchfield, England
Bra, Italy
Catbrain, England
Cocks, Cornwall
Condom, France
Dicktown, New Jersey
Embarrass, Minnesota
Cut and Shoot, Texas
Fingringhoe, England
Gay, Georgia
Hooker, Oklahoma
Hospital, Ireland
Kill, Ireland
Knob Lick, Missouri
Lost, Scotland
Middelfart, Denmark
Normal, Illinois
No Place, England
Police, Poland
Rectum, the Netherlands
Six Mile Bottom, England
Rottenegg, Austria
Surprise, Arizona
Three Cocks, Wales
Useless Loop, Australia
Worms, Germany.

#57. In Austria, you can get a speeding ticket based on the calculation of your speed by the police officer, given that the speed limit is not more than 30 km / h above.

#58. Cherophobia is an irrational fear of fun or happiness.

#59. Bubble wrap was originally created as wallpaper.

150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy

#60. Initially, film trailers were shown after the film, which is why they were called "trailers."

#61. In Switzerland, you are not allowed to hang your washing clothes to dry outside on Sunday.

#62. There are quite a few lip balms containing salicylic acid, a product that makes the lips to peel. Which in turn causes you to go and purchase more lip balm.

#63. Beans, corn, bell peppers, cauliflower, cabbage, and milk are the top six foods which make your fart.

#64. The difference between poisonous and venomous snakes is that If you bite the snake and you die, the snake was poisonous. If the snake bites you and you die, the snake was venomous. So Simple Right!

#65. Bananas are curved, because they grow facing the Light.

150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy

#66. Children can enjoy a cigarette in Australia, but they are just not allowed to buy it.. wow!

#67. It takes two weeks for a Sloth to digest the food.

#68. By making pretty shapes in the sand on the ocean floor, the pufferfish impresses female pufferfish.

#69. Honeybees can recognize human faces.

150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy
#70. If you raise the tail off the ground of a kangaroo it can't jump.

#71. If there was a tunnel running straight through the earth from one side to the other and you were falling into it, it would take you 42 minutes to come out on the other.

#72. The human eye picks up to 10 million colors.

#73. An Eagle can capture, and fly away with, a young deer.

#74. The official name of Los Angeles is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles de Porciuncula" This means "town of our lady the Queen of Angels of the River Porciuncula."

#75. Stepping on money in Thailand is illegal, since stepping on money that is considered to disrespect the king by stepping on his picture.

#76. In the USA, there are more Chinese restaurants than all the McDonald’s, KFCs, Burger Kings and Wendy’s put together.

#77. The roar of a Lion can be heard from about 5 miles.

#78. More people get attacked every year by a cow than by a shark.

#79. A baby spider is called a spiderling.

150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy

#80. Ninety-five percent of people text things they never could say in person.

#81. When you say "one million seconds," that means 11 days and a half. "For 31 years will be" one billion seconds."

#82. The city tap accounts for 25 percent of all bottled water in the United States.

150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy

#83. More people died in 2017 from injuries caused by taking a selfie than from shark attacks.

#84. Jackie Chan and his stunt team are on every insurance company's blacklist, and when someone gets injured in his movies, Jackie has to pay.

#85. Most countries prohibit or at least restrict weapons but due to the local population of polar bears, Svalbard, a Norwegian chain of island guns, is officially highly recommended.

#86. Life is hard for men with specific tastes in clothing in Tasmania because in Tasmania men are only allowed to wear women’s clothes after sunset.

#87. The first passengers in a hot-air balloon were a sheep, a duck, and a rooster.

#88. For an average person, it takes 7 minutes to fall asleep.

#89. Alcohol was banned by the Indian village of Marottichal. The entire population has turned to chess and now boasts 100% chess literacy and hence got the nickname of "Chess Village."

#90. Around 48 percent of the population in Uganda is under the age of 15.

#91. If you're French-kissing, not only do you find a soul-mate, but your mouth bacteria also significantly broaden their social circle. A 10-second French kiss between the two kissers spreads around 80 million bacteria. No problem! Some bacterias are good.

#92. The average person spends only 10 minutes a day speaking.

#93. There are 1,710 steps in total inside the Eiffel Tower. Don't worry there is a lift.

#94. It is not permitted for the British Royal family to play Monopoly.

#95. Heart attacks will most likely occur on a Monday. Even more, breakups happen on Monday.

#96. The reason why most people hate their voice on recording is that they normally hear themselves both from the inside and outside, which makes their voices sound deeper. If you listen to a recording of your voice, you only hear it from outside.

#97. The Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan in Pokémon are based on Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan.

150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy

#98. Initially, t-shirts were sold to unmarried men who didn't know how to sew buttons back on collared shirts on their own.

#99. A Mountain Dew can dissolve a mouse.

#100. Saint Lucia is the only country in the world named after a woman.

#101. In Poland, there is a town where everything is decorated with flowers' paintings.

#102. Bruce Lee moved with such speed in fights they had to slow down the movie so people could see his moves. wow!

#103. Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are banned in China. Even some Chinese people won't use Google.

150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy

#104. Around 0.7 percent of the world's people are drunk at any given moment.

#105. J.K. Rowling picked the odd name "Hermione" so that it wouldn't taunt young girls for being nerdy. The name Hermione comes from the novel "a story of winter" by Shakespeare.

#106. You spray about 2.5 microscopic droplets of saliva per word while speaking.

#107. A swarm of 20,000 bees followed a car for two days because of their queen was stuck inside.

#108. In France, it is illegal to name your pig "Napoleon".

#109. A "buttload" is a real measurement of weight.

#110. Bin Laden’s death was announced on 1st May 2011. Hitler’s death was also announced on 1st May 1945.

#111. The ancient Romans used to make urine-containing toothpaste.

#112. Dolly Parton lost in a Dolly Parton look-alike contest.

#113. Mike Tyson once offered ten thousand dollars to a zoo attendant to allow him to fight a gorilla.

#114. Intelligent people's hair has more traces of copper and zinc.

#115. The Facebook community reached 2 billion active users in June 2017.

#116. Only 5% of the ocean has been explored.

#117. Birds don’t urinate.

150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy

#118. Until alarm clocks became affordable, the professional "Knocker Uppers" were there to get people up for work.

#119. A crocodile can't stick its tongue out.

#120. There are trees which can grow over one kind of fruit, and they are called fruit salad trees.

#121. Chickens are the closest living relatives to the T-Rex.

150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy

#122. Men are more likely to be left-handed than women by 23 percent.

#123. In 1997, Steve Jobs succeeded in persuading Apple's board of directors to fire former CEO Gil Amelio and name Jobs as the new CEO as a result of the very poor results Apple achieved. Such bad results were triggered in part by an anonymous 1,5 million-share sale. It was later revealed that Jobs himself was the anonymous seller.

#124. The word “disaster” means “bad star” in Ancient Greek.

#125. Penguin urine is about 3 percent of the ice in Antarctic glaciers.

#126. In Ethiopia, there is a place known as "The Gateway to Hell".

#127. The "Irukandji" is the world's most venomous jellyfish.

#128. Male cats have longer tails than female cats.

#129. Every year, 11,000 injuries are reported in America as a result of sexual experiments.

#130. There has never been a verified snow leopard attack on a human being in history.

150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy

#131. When you are scared to make you look bigger you get goosebumps.

#132. Disney World is the second-largest explosive buyer in the United States.

#133. A Taiwan based company manufactures wheat dinnerware, so you can eat your plate.

#134. Prisoners have been given the privilege of hot showers at Alcatraz.

#135. The fear of Friday the 13th, is known as Paraskavedekatriaphobia.

#136. In 1939, the name of Hewlett-Packard (also known
as HP) was settled upon in a coin toss. Hewlett and Packard are the last names of the founder, so they flipped a coin to settle on Hewlett-Packard or Packard-Hewlett.

#137. The planet Uranus was named George for a short period of time.

#138. Australia has an earthworm that can grow as long as 10 feet (3.3 meters).

#139. Some insects and little birds are watching the world in slow motion.

#140. The first alarm clock will ring only at 4 a.m.

#141. Sierra Leone is the world’s roundest country.

#142. Early helicopters had wooden rotor blades.

150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy

#143. John F. Kennedy was buried without his brain.

#144. You eat about a pound (480 g) of insects a year, by mistake.

#145. A writer predicted the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1898, 13 years before it was even built.

#146. During the American Civil War the first death was a horse.
150 Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Crazy

#147. Initially, QWERTY keyboards were designed to slow down typing.

#148. Rats and horses cannot vomit.

#149. During their lifetime the average person walks the equivalent of five times around the world.

#150. 620 million years ago, an Earth day was only 21.9 hours long. It is extending a little every year.

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