28 Facts About Monday that'll Blow Your Mind | Legacy Facts

28 Facts About Monday

28 Facts About Monday that'll Blow Your Mind

# The name Monday is derived from the Old English word "Mōnandæg," and the Middle English word "Monenday." It was originally a translation of the Latin "dies lunae" meaning "day of the

# In Chinese, Monday is xīngqīyī, which means "day one of the week."

# Monday is called pazartesi in Turkish, which also means "after Sunday."

# "Monday" in the United Kingdom is a slang term used to describe a heavy, large sledgehammer.

# Traditionally, Quakers referred to Monday as "second day."

# Monday is the only day of the week to be a single word anagram, the word being "dynamo."

28 Facts About Monday that'll Blow Your Mind

# Even if you maintain a steady weight, scientists have found Monday to be the day of the week when you'll weigh the most.

# A 2011 study found that on a Monday the average person moans for 34 minutes, compared to the other days (22 minutes).

# Nearly 50 percent of workers are late to work on a Monday.

# Professionals over 40 are the biggest demographic on a Monday to be subjected to more stress.

# Monday is the day of the week when the majority of people do their online shopping. There are many unproductive, unmotivated, and bored employees shopping online at work.

28 Facts About Monday that'll Blow Your Mind

# A study once showed that the best ways to get over the "Monday Blues" are watching TV, online shopping, buying chocolate, and planning a holiday.

# People aged between 45 and 54 are more likely to suffer from Monday blues.

# On Monday, you look less attractive. Or at least you think you do. One research has shown that on a Monday American people of all ages feel at least attractive to themselves.

# Monday is commonly referred to as the "day of the suicide," the day of the week on which most people take their lives.

# Monday is also known as "Heart attack day" because on this day there is a marked increase in heart attacks by 20 percent as compared to other days.

# There were 53 Mondays over the year in 2012 and 2018. This occurrence will not occur again until 2024.

28 Facts About Monday that'll Blow Your Mind

# When scientists recorded people's emotions each day, they found that Monday is no different from Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. However, they'll always say Monday when they ask people to remember which day was the most stressful. This is because there is a larger emotional shift from Sunday to Monday than between Tuesday and Wednesday.

# The most sleep-deprived day is Mondays. The extra sleep that you get on a weekend makes you worse off on a Monday, as it throws off your body clock, according to scientists. When you wake up early on Monday it is more of a shock than any other weekday.

# Monday is supposed to be the least rainy day of the week and it is believed that the most probable cause is the pollution caused by the people on the weekend.

# Employees' productivity has also been found to be at its all-time low on Mondays. With people on a Monday being up to 30 percent less productive, it has shown that they often manage only 3.5 hours of work all day.

28 Facts About Monday that'll Blow Your Mind

# The average person in the UK would not smile on a Monday until 11.16am according to a study by Marmite in 2011.

# Monday is the best day to purchase a new car. Studies have shown that some people, as these are the busiest days for car salespeople, will avoid buying a car on a weekend. This means people are going to buy cars on Mondays as they are often guaranteed to get more time and attention from the salesperson, and so a better deal.

# Another positive fact about Mondays is that the most likely day for the U.S. Stock Market to rise, rather than fall on Mondays.

# The only movie to win an Oscar with Monday in its title was "Closed Mondays" which was voted Best Animated Short Film in 1974.

# The Bangles believed Monday was manic and sang about it. Their song "Manic Monday" came out in 1986. In the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany it reached number 2.

28 Facts About Monday that'll Blow Your Mind

# Bob Geldof's song I Don't Like Mondays was written after reading about a woman from the United States going on a shooting spree because she didn't like Monday.

# "Monday, Monday" was a 1966 hit for The Mamas and the Papas. It was their only number 1 in the U.S., where it topped the charts for two weeks. It hit the 3rd position in the UK.

If you are interested then check out our "Facts About Black Friday"

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