128 Incredible Facts About Babies that'll just Blow Your Mind | Legacy Facts

128 Incredible Facts About Babies that'll just Blow Your Mind

# The word "baby" might come from the babbling of a baby, as in "ba-ba-ba-ba."

# Babies are born with no bacteria in their bodies.

# Babies are born with the ability to taste sweet, bitter, and sour, but when sodium-sensitive receptor proteins begin to emerge in the taste buds, they can not taste salt until they are 4 months old. The development of taste may correspond to the growth of the kidneys.

# An unborn baby can taste what his or her mother eats and develop a preference for the foods she eats.

# A baby begins to "breathe" at around the 27th week, as its fluid-filled lungs begin to expand and compress due to the rhythmic contractions of the mother's diaphragm and chest muscles.

# A baby's heartbeats at 180 pulses per minute at the moment of birth. The rate falls to 140 pulses within a few hours. The heart rate of babies at 1 year of age is 115 beats per minute. The average resting level of an adult is 70-80 beats per minute.

# Newborn babies are more likely to turn their heads to the right than to the left.

# Newborns can only see in black and white for a couple of months.

# The eyes of a baby are around 75 percent of the adult size, but their vision is blurry at 20/400. The vision of a baby should be improved to 20/20 by 6 months old.

# Babies will start smelling the same smells as their mother at about the 28th week of pregnancy. In fact, amniotic fluid improves the smell of a baby.

# At birth, a baby can identify the smell and voice of her mother. It takes a couple of weeks for a baby to see the difference between her mom and other adults.

# The body of a newborn baby contains approximately one cup of blood.

# Most babies are born with heads that are cone-shaped.

# Even before they're born, babies are still listening. Even a baby as young as two days old will know the voice of her mother, even though only a single syllable is heard.

# Babies are born with a self-awareness that helps them to differentiate their bodies from other individuals.

# Until 18 months old, babies do not recognize themselves in a mirror.

128 Incredible Facts About Babies that'll just Blow Your Mind

# There are twice as many neuronal pathways for a 2-year-old as an adult.

# Male babies are born with just as much testosterone as a 25-year-old man. After birth, the level of testosterone decreases until puberty.

# Moreover, the estrogen produced by a female fetus barely affects her developing brain, leading scientists to argue that girls would have had a boy's brain if a boy's brain was not affected by testosterone.

# Newborn female babies may have a mini-period.

# Scientists believe that the brains of boys and girls develop differently even before birth, although they are quick to remember that there is no such thing as an exclusively male or female brain. The brain of an individual is a combination of a male and a female.

# A baby has nearly 30,000 taste buds. They are on the sides, back, and roof of the mouth, not just on the tongue. Adults have about 10,000.

# In a human child, there are over 60 more bones than in an adult.

# The head of a baby is proportionally big, one-quarter of the total length of the body, compared to only one-eighth of the total adult’s length.

# A baby learns that each and every object is unique at around 6 months old. Whenever it sees a bird in a tree before this time, it still thinks it was the same bird.

# The brain tissue of children aged 3 to 8 requires twice as much energy as the brain tissue of adults. A 5-year-old child weighing 44 pounds (20 kg) requires 860 calories every day while half of that energy goes into the brain.

# At 3 years of age, children's kneecaps only start to turn bony until they're made of cartilage.

# Before the age of 3, your child will probably not remember anything.

# The inner ear is the only sensory organ to be fully developed before birth. By the middle of pregnancy, it reaches its adult size.

# The majority of newborn babies have fine hair all over their bodies. In the first three to four months of life, most newborns will lose all the hair that they are born with.

# Babies are not born with psychic tearing or tears that indicate emotional distress, but they are born with basal tearing and reflex tearing (tears that respond to an irritant) and reflex tearing (enough tears to keep the eyes moist and healthy). A baby will start crying with tears between 2 and 4 months of age when it gets upset.

128 Incredible Facts About Babies that'll just Blow Your Mind

# Babies who do not crawl until they reach nine months are more likely to suffer from problems with learning and behavior.

# A newborn urinates about every 20 minutes, then at 6 months, about every hour.

# A newborn's intestines are about 11 feet long. By the time the baby grows to adulthood, the length will double.

# Around 80% of babies are born with some kind of birthmark, usually "stork bites" and "port-wine stains."

# Research suggests that the name of a baby influences the life of a baby into adulthood. A newborn boy with a more "feminine" name, for instance, may lead to behavioral problems in life.

# A 4-year-old child, on average, asks 437 questions a day.

# The only primates who smile at their parents are human babies.

# A baby can instinctively smile. Experts believed that for years a baby had been smiling because she just copied the action of those around her, but even blind babies can smile.

# Between four and six weeks after birth, a baby's first social smile appears.

# The brain of a baby can use up to 50 percent of the total glucose supply, which may help explain why babies need so much sleep.

# In the first 2 years of their child's life, parents of new babies miss out on 6 months worth of sleep.

# Holding and stroking a baby helps to release hormones that are necessary for its growth.

# Child growth refers to the changes that take place when a child grows and develops in relation to being physically healthy, mentally aware, and emotionally and socially healthy.

# Research suggests that babies can also cry with their mother tongue intonations.

# The risk of crushing or burning hand injuries is highest for children under the age of six.

# Their first poop doesn't smell – and it looks like tar.

# Actually, breastfeeding changes the way the brain of a mother functions, making her more attuned to the crying of the child.

# Research indicates that a baby reacts positively to the fragrance of the breasts of its mother and ignores breast pads used by other women. Perhaps more striking is the discovery that a blindfolded woman by scent alone has the ability to recognize her own child from a host of other babies.

# Breastfeeding a baby will minimize the risk of a woman developing Alzheimer's disease by 22 percent, a study says.

# Since breast milk is a laxative, breast-fed babies poop more than bottle-fed babies.

# From birth to toilet training, a child goes through an average of 8000 diaper changes.

# New parents in the United States are expected to spend an average of $7,000 on diapers, formula, and daycare for a new baby in the first year. This does not include medical costs.

# The first five years of a child's life are the most important, particularly the first three years because during this period, they shape the organization, development, and functioning of the brain.

# Neuroscientists believe that for the first few years of their lives, babies don't dream.

# The baby's sense of smell is very developed when they're quite young. It is much better than yours, and in order to get to know his parents, a newborn uses his sense of smell. To help your baby know who you are, avoid strong smells like fabric softener, perfume, and shampoos.

# Children will start organizing information in their minds from about age 7.

128 Incredible Facts About Babies that'll just Blow Your Mind

# By the time they are 7 years old, children who watch more than three hours of TV, videos, or DVDs a day, have a greater chance of conducting problems, emotional symptoms, and relationship problems than children who do not.

# For children, watching television may act as a natural painkiller.

# The sense of privacy of a child probably begins around 8 to 9 years old.

# Even before he's born, your baby is connected to your emotions and your thoughts. Researchers had pregnant women listen through headphones to various types of music and then tracked the movements of their baby with an ultrasound. When the mom listened to the music she loved, the babies moved around more. Although many babies move about while playing music, the headphones meant that the babies listened to the emotions of their mother and not the music itself.

# Social interaction increases the speed and accuracy of learning at all ages, including babies.

# Although playing classical music is not likely to improve their brain development, having children play or sing music can increase visual, motor, attention, and mathematical skills.

# Your child starts to see themselves as an individual at preschool age.

# A baby can tell the difference between the individual human and individual monkey faces at 6 months. They lose the ability to differentiate between monkeys after nine months, while they can still tell the difference between humans.

# Parents who are more sensitive to the needs of their babies and respond quickly to emotional signals tend to raise children who are better at managing their own emotions.

# Studies show that children do well when they have at least three loving and supportive adult influences in their lives.

# When a mom feels depressed, the cells of her baby can also feel it. Young children can show biological evidence of added stress at only 18 months of age.

# If the mother suffers organ damage during pregnancy, the baby in the womb sends stem cells to rebuild the damaged organ.

# If the bodies of babies were to develop at the same rate as their brains, by 1 month of age, they would weigh 170 pounds (approx. 77 kg's).

# Due to a condition known as "cochlear ear-kiss injury," kissing a baby on the ear will make it go deaf.

# Every minute, 255 people are born.

# The best chance for a baby to survive gestation is when the mother is 22, an age that has been defined in humans as "the age of fecundity."

# In the 9 months between conception and birth, a baby's weight increases by 3,000 million times. A baby would have quadrupled in size between birth and the end of its second year.

# Female babies spend a day longer in the womb on average than male babies do. On average, white babies spend five more days in the womb than black babies, while Indian babies spend six more days in the womb than white babies.

# Boy babies are, in general, slightly smaller than girl babies. A newborn boy's average weight is 7 lbs. 10 oz. That's 7 lbs for a newborn girl. 2 oz.

# A baby's average weight is 7 to 8 lbs at birth. The smallest baby ever to survive weighed just 8.5 oz. at birth.

128 Incredible Facts About Babies that'll just Blow Your Mind

# Since 1980, the birth rate for twins has increased by 76%.

# In some parts of West Africa, the chances of giving birth to twins are extremely high. For instance, in Nigeria, the odds are 22-1. In fact, women are less likely to have twins in Japan, with the chances of being as high as 200 to 1.

# About four million babies are born each year in the United States.

# More babies are born in the United States in late summer and early fall than at other times of the year. February appears to be the month in which the least amount of babies are born.

# In the United States, Utah has the highest birthrate, at around 21 babies per 1,000 people. With slightly more than 10 babies born per 1,000 people, Vermont has the lowest birth rate.

# In 2006, in the United States, there were about 1,049 male babies born for every 1,000 female babies. For the past 60 years, the ratio has been constant.

# Without the opening of the anus, 1 in 5000 babies is born.

# In the United States, nearly two or three of every 1,000 children are born deaf or hard-of-hearing. Later in childhood, many more lose their hearing.

# Every 30 seconds, a child is born in China with a birth defect.

# In India and China, female infanticide is still a big issue. Estimates show that 30.5 million females from China are "missing."

# More than 90 percent of women who know they have a child with Down Syndrome would prefer abortion over keeping their baby.

# After 18 weeks of gestation, women who undergo abortion often give birth to a fetus that may briefly survive. This occurs in about 4 out of every 100,000 abortions.

# A study found that, at least partially due to air pollution, about 16,000 American babies are born prematurely every year.

# Globally, for children under the age of 5 years, prematurity is the leading cause of death.

# For babies 1 month to 1-year-old, SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is responsible for more deaths than any other cause, claiming 7,000 babies in the United States each year, or about one baby every hour.

128 Incredible Facts About Babies that'll just Blow Your Mind

# The stomach of a newborn baby will only hold about one teaspoon when it is firstborn.

# Every year on average 15 pounds of cereal is consumed by a baby.

# 69 is the highest number of babies born to a woman. From 1725 to 1765, 16 sets of twins, seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets were born to a Russian peasant woman.

# The youngest person ever to give birth was Lina Medina, a 5-year-old Peruvian child. On 14 May 1939, she gave birth to a boy.

# The heaviest baby on record to survive was a 22 lb. 8 oz. Italian baby born in 1955. In 1879, a woman in Canada gave birth to a 23 lb. 1.92 oz. a baby that died 11 hours after birth.

# In Antarctica, the first baby was born in 1978: Emilio Marcos Palma.

# Popular premature babies include Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Mark Twain, Stevie Wonder, Johannes Kepler, and Sir Winston Churchill.

# Babies can differentiate between cats and dogs, which is incredibly difficult to program into a computer.

# In Britain, Canada, and Italy, babies cry more than elsewhere, according to an international study.

# The United Kingdom is the world's first country to allow three people to create babies from their DNA.

# More than 1,000 times, James Harrison has donated blood, saving over 2 million newborn babies from Rhesus disease.

# In a crowded restaurant, a 3-year-old boy's voice is louder than 200 adults.

# In some remote Indian villages, babies are dropped from the tops of temples and caught by adults below, which is believed to bring good health.

# The majority of Japanese schools have no janitors. Kids, instead, do regular cleaning as part of a practice rooted in Buddhist traditions that associate morality with cleaning.

# In Japan, there's a "Crying Sumo" contest, where wrestlers fight to see who can make a baby cry first.

# Homeschool children in Germany are illegal and homeschooled children may be separated from their parents even though if these children are found to be well taken care of.

# Every year in the United States, more than 100,000 babies are born addicted to cocaine due to the use of the drug by their mothers during pregnancy.

# In order to escape hunger, more than 20 million U.S. children depend on school meal programs and it is estimated that up to half a million children could be homeless at present.

# In New Zealand, illegal baby names include Lucifer, Christ, and Messiah.

# In order to find a name for their babies, 60 percent of South Korean families use professionals.

128 Incredible Facts About Babies that'll just Blow Your Mind

# Playing video games after midnight is illegal for kids under 17 in South Korea.

# The average North Korean teenager is 8 inches shorter than the average South Korean of the same age, entirely due to malnourishment and privation.

# There is a camp in Georgia called "Camp Twitch and Shout" for children with Tourette's syndrome.

# Four out of five kids selected the chocolate bar when researchers offered them broccoli or a chocolate bar, but when an Elmo sticker was placed on the broccoli, fifty percent chose the broccoli.

# Lego Minifigures have a hole on top of the head in case any kid gets one of the heads stuck in their throat. They'd be able to keep breathing that way.

# After an earthquake of 8.0 magnitude hit Mexico City in 1985, almost all newborn babies survived without food, water, warmth, or human contact for 7 days in a collapsed hospital.

# The time machine in "Back to the Future" was originally a refrigerator, but it was changed as they were concerned that children would start locking themselves inside after watching the movie.

# Every year, two and a half times more Barbies are sold than babies born in the United States.

# At the age of 10, a former bonded child laborer from Pakistan escaped the carpet factory, helped free more than 3,000 children from slavery, helped bring down Pakistani carpet exports by $34 million, before being killed at the age of 13.

# Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was a box office failure because mothers thought that understanding the lessons was "too cruel" for children.

# The head of a newborn was washed in rum for luck in parts of England. It was popular in Europe to give the baby a dab of butter and a little sugar to represent the desired wealth that the child will have in the future.

128 Incredible Facts About Babies that'll just Blow Your Mind

# A national survey in the 1990s showed that Mario was more recognizable than Mickey Mouse to American kids.

# In medieval Europe, infant mortality was as high as 30 to 50 percent.

# Ramses II, the great pharaoh who fathered more than 160 children.

# In ancient Greece, children of rich families were dipped in olive oil at birth to keep them hairless throughout their lives.

# It was believed that ancient Greeks spit on themselves to fend off the Evil Eye, and the ritual even extended to babies.

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